8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer 

Water Consumption, Conservation, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain, Water Bill, Water Usage

Summer brings long, sunny days, backyard barbecues, and, for many of us, the challenge of maintaining a lush, green garden under the scorching Ohio sun. It’s also the season when water consumption spikes, putting a strain on this precious resource, and, well, let’s be honest – our wallets, too! As a homeowner aiming to reduce your environmental footprint and potentially lower your water bills, conserving water during these hot months is crucial. So, here are eight practical tips from Mount Washington Plumbing & Drain to help you save water this summer. 

1. Your Produce 

    Whether it’s the fresh strawberries from your garden or the spinach you bought from the local farmers’ market, cleaning your produce is essential. Instead of running tap water over each fruit or vegetable, fill a bowl with water and rinse your produce there. This method not only conserves water but also allows you to reuse it for watering your houseplants. By adopting this simple practice, you’re taking a step towards more efficient and sustainable home care. 

    2. Your Dishes 

      While washing dishes by hand can be therapeutic for some, it’s not always the most water-efficient method. Dishwashers, especially modern, energy-efficient models, can use less water than washing the same load by hand. Most energy-efficient dishwasher models use around 4 gallons of water.   

      However, if you must wash some items by hand, it’s important to avoid leaving the water running. For the most efficient use of water if using a dishwasher is not an option, fill one sink basin with wash water and the other with rinse water. 

        3. Your Frozen Food   

          Efficient water usage during mealtimes starts with planning ahead. Instead of using running water to thaw frozen foods, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator the night before. This method not only conserves water but also ensures safe thawing.  

          4. Your Laundry 

            • Full Loads of Laundry – For the most efficient performance and conservation of water and energy, always run your washing machine with a full load. Doing this not only maximizes efficiency but also reduces the frequency of washes, saving gallons of water over time. 
            • Permanent Press Setting – The permanent-press cycle includes an extra rinse cycle to protect clothes, resulting in increased water usage. We do understand that to maintain the quality of specific garments, this setting may occasionally be necessary but we try to minimize its use whenever possible. 

            5. Your Lawn and Garden 

              Watering your garden during the heat of the day can result in significant water loss due to evaporation. For optimal results, you should aim to water your plants early in the morning or later in the evening. This ensures the water reaches the roots effectively, giving your plants the best chance to absorb the moisture they need. 

              6. Your Pool 

                Owning a pool comes with responsibilities, and covering it when it is not in use is one of the most effective measures you can take. By doing so, you can significantly reduce water loss due to evaporation. Additionally, a pool cover helps keep your pool clean and minimizes the need for chemicals. This simple step can save you both time and money, ensuring your pool remains in optimal condition. 

                7. Your Garden Beds   

                  Mulching your garden beds offers more than just weed control; it plays a crucial role in retaining soil moisture. By applying a solid layer of mulch, you effectively shield the soil from the sun, maintaining cooler temperatures and reducing evaporation. This means you’ll spend less time watering, resulting in a more efficient and thriving garden.  

                  8. Your Fixtures 

                  A dripping faucet or even a constantly running toilet can waste a surprising amount of water over time. You need to regularly check your indoor and outdoor fixtures for leaks and repair them promptly. By taking this proactive approach, you ensure efficient water use and prevent unnecessary waste, all while maintaining the integrity of your home.  

                  Implementing these tips can significantly improve your water consumption this summer. Conserving water is not only essential for the environment but also beneficial for your wallet. By adopting these practices, you can still enjoy all the regular comforts of home while knowing you’re contributing to the preservation of a vital resource and relieving your wallet by decreasing your monthly water usage. 

                  Call Mount Washington Plumbing & Drain today at (513) 342-8168 or schedule an appointment online now by Clicking here!  

                  Mount Washington Plumbing & Drain

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